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Selected Bibliography
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___ P0. Factsheets by Albert
Donnay on
MCS and the overlapping disorders of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia
Syndrome, and Gulf War Syndrome -- FREE ON LINE
___ P2. Recognition of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Lists policies, statements and rulings by U.S. and Canadian government
authorities (at the local, state, provincial and federal levels), U.S.
courts, and independent organizations that recognize MCS, plus summary
of medical literature on MCS. Compiled by Albert Donnay.
___ P8. Comprehensive MCS Bibliography FREE ON LINE
Chronological and
alphabetical listings of over 600 published articles and letters to
the editor on MCS from mainstream medical journals (excluding The
Clinical Ecologist) from Dr. Theron Randolph's first abstract on the
subject in 1952 through 1999. Compiled and coded by Albert Donnay in
various formats:
___ P3. Protocol for
Evaluating Disorders of Porphyrin Metabolism in Chemically-Sensitive
By Albert Donnay, MHS,
and Grace Ziem, MD, DrPH. March 1995, $15
___ P10. 2-page Protocol for the Diagnosis and Treatment
of Chronic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning FREE ON LINE!
By Albert Donnay. 1999,
revised 2000
___ P11. Background
on Sources, Symptoms, Biomarkers and Treatment of Chronic Carbon Monoxide
Poisoning FREE ON LINE!
By Albert Donnay. 1999, revised 2000
___ S3. Dr. Ziem's Environmental Control Plan
Practical advice for patients on how to control toxic exposures at
home, school and in the workplace. Updated June 1997
___ S4. Dr. Ziem's Generic
Accommodation Letters
Sample form letters requesting "reasonable accommodation" from
landlords, employers, school officials, and doctors which patients are
encouraged to adapt for their own use. By Grace Ziem, MD, DrPH, updated
July 1997
___ S5. Fact Sheet on "Chemical Sensitivity
and Disorders of Porphyrin Metabolism" FREE ON LINE!
By Albert Donnay and Grace Ziem, introduction from Porphyria Protocol
(P3, above) on the definition, diagnosis, and treatment of porphyrin
disorders and their relationship to MCS
___ S7. MCS Home Inspection
Checklist used by Dr. Grace Ziem's Physician Assistant in the
on-site evaluation of a patient's home environment. By Dan Jerrems,
PA-C, and Grace Ziem, MD, DrPH. 1994
___ S9. Notice of Noncompliance
with the Americans with Disabilities Act (Title II & III)
Notice details how institutions covered by the ADA can be made
safer for persons who are disabled by chemical exposures. Includes Q&A
on filing notices of non-compliance, a fill-in-the-blank form, and instructions
on how to file. by Chemical Injury Litigation Project, 1994
___ S10. Lebens vs. Country
Creek Association
Court-approved "Settlement Agreement and IPM Accommodation" detailing
the custom Integrated Pest Management Plan that groundskeepers are now
required to use throughout the Association's 15 acre townhouse development
to accommodate one homeowner with MCS, 1995
Published literature may be copyrighted and is provided by MCS R&R's library strictly for fair and educational use.
The only charge
for these papers is a library processing fee of $10 each unless otherwise
We regret that only some of those written by Albert Donnay and Dr. Ziem
are available free on-line.
___ B2. Callender T., L. Morrow, K. Subramanian, D. Duhon, and M. Ristovv. 1993. "Three-dimensional brain metabolic imaging in patients with toxic encephalopathy," Environmental Research, Vol.60, 295-319.
___ B3. Cone J. and T. Sult. 1992. "Acquired intolerance to solvents following pesticide/solvent exposure in a building: A new group of workers at risk for multiple chemical sensitivities?" Toxicology and Industrial Health, Vol.8, No.4, 29-39. [Added to biblio. July 1995]
___ B20. Fiedler N., C. Maccia, and H. Kipen. 1992. "Evaluation of chemically sensitive patients," J Occup Med. Vol.34, 529-38 [Added to biblio. November 1995]
___ B5. Heuser G., A. Wodjani, and S. Heuser. 1992. "Diagnostic markers in chemical sensitivity," in Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Addendum to Biologic Markers in Immunotoxicology, Wash. DC: National Academy Press, 117-138.
___ B23. Kipen H., W. Hallman, K. Kelly-McNeil, and N. Fiedler. 1995. "Measuring chemical sensitivity prevalence: A questionnaire for population studies." Amer J of Public Health, Vol.85, No.4, 574-577. [Added to biblio. July 1995]
___ B7. Meggs W. and C. Cleveland, Jr. 1993. "Rhinolaryngoscopic examination of patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome," Archives of Environmental Health, Vol.48, No.1, 14-18.
___ B9. Ziem G. updated Dec. 1995. "Health and Environment History Questionnaire," mailed to new patients and then reviewed by physician and patient together during first office visit.
___ B29. Ziem G. and J. McTamney. 1997. "Profile of patients with chemical injury and sensitivity" Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol.105, Supp.2, 417-436. [Added to biblio. July 1997]
___ B30. Donnay, A. On the Recognition of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Medical Literature and Government Policy International J. Toxicol. 18(6), 383-392, 1999 [Added to biblio January 2000] FREE ON LINE!
___ B11. Gibson P. 1993. "Environmental Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Invisible Disabilities," Women & Therapy, Vol.14, No.3/4, 171-185. [Added to biblio. July 1995]
___ S7. Jerrems D. and G. Ziem. "Home Inspection Questionnaire," used for on-site evaluation of a patient's home environment.
___ B13. Rissman B. 1993. "Hospitals urged to minimize toxic chemicals," Hospital Employee Health, March 1993, Vol.12, No.3, 29-34.
___ S3. Ziem G. "Environmental
Control Plan for Chemically Sensitive Patients," given to patients for
their own use, and generic "reasonable accommodation" letters for employers,
landlords, and school officials which patients are encouraged to adapt
for their own use.
___ B27. Lax M. and Henneberger P. 1995. "Patients with multiple chemical sensitivities in an occupational health clinic: Presentation and follow-up," Archives of Environmental Health, Vol.50, No.6, 425-431. [Added to biblio. Nov. 1996]
___ B16. Root D., D. Katzin, and D. Schnare. 1985. "Diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting subclinical signs and symptoms of exposure to chemicals which bioaccumulate in human tissue," Health Effects of Hazardous Materials, 150-153 [Added to biblio. December 1994].
___ B17. Shayevitz M. 1993. "A biopsychosocial therapeutic approach for the treatment of multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome in veterans of Desert Storm" with statements of successfully-treated veterans. Presented 16 November 1993 to the U.S. House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations by Myra Shayevitz, M.D., FACP, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Northampton, MA. (Includes 1997 update on treatment of Gulf vets)
___ B18. Ziem G. 1992. "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Treatment and followup with avoidance and control of chemical exposures," Toxicology and Industrial Health, Vol.8, No.4, 73-86.
___ B4. Davidoff A. and L. Fogarty. 1994. "Psychogenic origins of multiple chemical sensitivities syndrome: A critical review of the research literature," Arch of Environmental Health, Vol.49, 316-325.
___ B21. Kailin E. and C. Brooks. 1963. "Systemic toxic reactions to soft plastic food containers: A double-blind study [of MCS patients]," Medical Annals of D.C., Vol.32, No.1, 1-8. [Added to biblio. October 1994]
___ B6. Kailin E. and A. Hastings. 1966. "Electromyographic evidence of DDT-induced myasthenia [in MCS patients]," Medical Annals of D.C., Vol.35, No.5, 237-245. [Added to biblio. October 1994]
___ B22. Kailin E. and A. Hastings. 1966. "Cerebral disturbances from small amounts of DDT; a controlled study [of MCS patients]," Medical Annals of D.C., Vol.35, No.10, 519-524. [Added to biblio. October 1994]
___ B24. Meggs W. 1993. "Neurogenic inflammation and sensitivity to environmental chemicals," Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol.101, No.3, 234-238.
___ B28. Meggs W, K. Dunn, R. Bloch, P. Goodman, A. Davidoff. 1996. "Prevalence and Nature of Allergy and Chemical Sensitivity in a General Population." Archives of Environmental Health, Vol.51, No.4, 275-282. [Added to biblio. December 1996]
___ B25. Miller C. 1994. "Chemical sensitivity: history and phenomenology." Journal of Toxicology and Industrial Health, Vol. 10, No.4/5, 253-276.
___ B8. Miller C. and H. Mitzel. 1995. "Chemical sensitivity attributed to pesticide exposure versus remodeling," Archives of Environmental Health, Vol.50, No.2, 119-129. [Added to biblio. October 1995]
___ B26. Ziem G. and B. Castleman. 1989. "Threshold Limit Values: Historical perspectives and current practice," Journal of Occupational Medicine, Vol.31, No.11, 910-918.