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Bibliography: Chronological Complete |
(excluding those published in journals of Clinical Ecology and letters to editors)
609 References Published from 1945 through September 1999
Sorted Chronologically (and Alphabetically Within Each Year)
1. Randolph, T.G. 1945. Fatigue and weakness of allergic origin (allergic toxemia) to be differentiated from nervous fatigue or neurasthenia. Ann.Allergy 3:418-430.
2. Randolph, T.G. 1952. Sensitivity to petroleum including its derivatives and antecedents. J.Lab.Clin.Med 40:931-932.
3. Brown, E.A. and N.J. Colombo. 1954. The asthmogenic effect of odours, smells, and fumes. Ann.Allergy 12:14-24.
4. Randolph, T.G. 1954. Allergic type reactions to mosquito abatement fogs and mists [Abstract]. J.Lab.Clin.Med 44:911-912.
5. Randolph, T.G. 1954. Allergic type reactions to industrial solvents and liquid fuels [Abstract]. J.Lab.Clin.Med 44:910-911.
6. Randolph, T.G. 1954. Allergic type reactions to indoor utility gas and oil fumes [Abstract]. J.Lab.Clin.Med 44:913
7. Randolph, T.G. 1954. Allergic type reactions to chemical additives of foods and drugs [Abstract]. J.Lab.Clin.Med 44:913-914.
8. Randolph, T.G. 1954. Allergic type reactions to motor exhaust [Abstract]. J.Lab.Clin.Med 44:912
9. Randolph, T.G. 1955. Depressions caused by home exposures to gas and combustion products of gas, oil, and coal [Abstract]. J.Lab.Clin.Med 46:942
10. Randolph, T.G. 1956. The specific adaptation syndrome. J.Lab.Clin.Med 48:934-941.
11. Randolph, T.G. 1962. Human Ecology and Susceptibility to the Chemical Environment. C.C.Thomas, Springfield,IL.
12. Kailin, E. and C. Brooks. 1963. Systemic toxic reactions to soft plastic food containers: a double-blind study [of MCS patients]. Med.Ann.Washington DC 32:1-8.
13. Randolph, T.G. 1964. The ecologic unit, Part II. Hosp.Man. 97:47
14. Kailin, E. and C. Brooks. 1965. Cerebral disturbances from small amounts of DDT; a controlled study [of MCS patients]. Med.Ann.Washington DC 35:519-524.
15. Randolph, T.G. 1965. Ecologic orientation in medicine: comprehensive environmental control in diagnosis and therapy. Ann.Allergy 23:7
16. Kailin, E. and A. Hastings. 1966. Electromyographic evidence of DDT-induced myasthenia [in MCS patients]. Med.Ann.Washington DC 35:237-245.
17. Randolph, T.G. 1966. Clinical ecology as it affects the psychiatric patient. Int.J.Soc.Psychiatry 12:245-254.
18. Tabershaw, I.R. and W.C. Cooper. 1966. Sequelae of Acute Organic Phosphate Poisoning. J.Occup.Med. 8:5-20.
19. Stokinger, H.E. and J.T. Mountain. 1967. Progress in detecting the worker hypersusceptible to industrial chemicals. J.Occup.Med. 9:537-542.
20. Sutton, W.L. 1969. Psychiatric disorders and industrial toxicology. Int.Psychiatry Clin. 6:339-351.
21. Randolph, T.G. 1970. Domiciliary chemical air pollution in the etiology of ecologic mental illness. Int J Soc Psychiatry 16:245
22. Henkin, R.I., P.J. Schechter, R. Hoye, and C.F. Mattern. 1971. Idiopathic hypogeusia with dysgeusia, hyposmia, and dysosmia. A new syndrome. J.A.M.A. 217:434-440.
23. Buchwald, H. 1972. The elusive miasma: problems of abnormal responses to atmospheric contaminants. Ann.Occup.Hyg. 15:379-391.
24. Fisherman, E.W. and G. Cohen. 1973. Chemical intolerance to butylated-hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated-hydroxytoluene (BHT) and vascular response as an indicator and monitor of drug intolerance. Ann.Allergy 31:126-133.
25. Levine, R.J., D.J. Sexton, F.J. Romm, B.T. Wood, and J. Kaiser. 1974. Outbreak of psychosomatic illness at a rural elementary school. Lancet 2:1500-1503.
26. Sirois, F. 1974. Epidemic hysteria. Acta Psychiatr.Scand.Supp. 252:1-46.
27. Stahl, S.M. and M. Lebedun. 1974. Mystery gas: An analysis of mass hysteria. J.Health Soc.Behav. 15:44-50.
28. Bealer, S.L. and D.V. Smith. 1975. Multiple sensitivity to chemical stimuli in single human taste papillae. Physiol.Behav. 14:795-799.
29. Bell, I.R. 1975. A kindling model of mediation for food and chemical sensitivities: biobehavioral implications. Ann.Allergy 35:206-215.
30. Felleson, J.A. 1977. New environment for nursing care: the clinical ecology unit. RN 40:49-57.
31. Fisherman, E.W. and G.N. Cohen. 1977. Chronic and recurrent urticaria: new concepts of drug-group sensitivity. Ann.Allergy 39:404-414.
32. Randolph, T.G. 1977. Both allergy and clinical ecology are needed [editorial]. Ann.Allergy 39:215-216.
33. Vievskaya, G., N. Bayda, and A.N. Vievskii. 1977. Mental disorders in persons with chemical allergies. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr 77:908-911.
34. Calabrese, E.J. 1978. Pollutants and High Risk Groups: Biological Basis of Increased Human Susceptibility to Environmental and Occupational Pollutants. Wiley, New York, NY.
35. Colligan, M.J. and M.J. Smith. 1978. A methodological approach for evaluating outbreaks of mass psychogenic illness in industry. J.Occup.Med. 20:401-402.
36. Maguire, A. 1978. Psychic possession among industrial workers. Lancet 1:376-378.
37. Randolph, T.G. 1978. Specific adaptation. Ann.Allergy 40:333-345.
38. Rea, W.J., I.R. Bell, C.W. Suits, and R.E. Smiley. 1978. Food and chemical susceptibility after environmental chemical overexposure: case histories. Ann.Allergy 41:101-109.
39. Reinhardt, C.F. 1978. Chemical hypersusceptibility. J.Occup.Med. 20:319-322.
40. Smith, M.J., M.J. Colligan, and J.J. Hurrell. 1978. Three incidents of industrial mass psychogenic illness: a preliminary report. J.Occup.Med. 20:399-400.
41. Colligan, M.J., M.A. Urtes, C. Wisseman, R.E. Rosensteel, T.L. Anania, and R.W. Hornung. 1979. An investigation of apparent mass psychogenic illness in an electronics plant. J.Behav.Med. 2:297-309.
42. Edgar, R.T., E.J. Fenyves, and W.J. Rea. 1979. Air pollution analysis used in operating an environmental control unit. Ann.Allergy 42:166-173.
43. Mackarness, R. 1979. Clinical ecology: a review. Practitioner 222:657-660.
44. Murphy, L.R. and M.J. Colligan. 1979. Mass psychogenic illness in a shoe factory. A case report. Int.Arch.Occup.Environ.Health 44:133-138.
45. American Academy of Allergy. 1980. American Academy of Allergy: statement by the Executive Committee. J.Allergy Clin.Immunol. 66:431-431.
46. American Academy of Allergy. 1981. American Academy of Allergy: position statements--controversial techniques. J.Allergy Clin.Immunol. 67:333-338.
47. Colligan, M.J. 1981. Mass psychogenic illness: some clarification and perspectives. J.Occup.Med. 23:635-638.
48. Faust, H.S. and L.B. Brilliant. 1981. Is the diagnosis of "mass hysteria" an excuse for incomplete investigation of low-level environmental contamination? J.Occup.Med. 23:22-26.
49. King, D.S. 1981. Can allergic exposure provoke psychological symptoms? A double- blind test. Biol Psychiatry 16:3-19.
50. Levin, A.S., J.J. McGovern, Jr., J.B. Miller, L. Lecam, and J. Lazaroni. 1981. Immune complex mediated vascular inflammation in patients with food and chemical allergies [conference abstract]. Ann.Allergy 47:138
51. Levine, R.J. 1981. Is the presence of low-level environmental contamination a sufficient excuse for not diagnosing mass hysteria? [letter]. J.Occup.Med. 23:597-599.
52. Strickland, B.R. 1981. Psychological Effects of Food and Chemical Susceptibilities. Voices Fall:68-72.
53. Bell, I.R. 1982. Clinical Ecology. Common Knowledge Press, Bolinas, CA.
54. Grieco, M.H. 1982. Controversial practices in allergy. J.A.M.A. 247(22):3106-3111.
55. Luster, M.I. and J.H. Dean. 1982. Immunological hypersensitivity resulting from environmental or occupational exposure to chemicals: a state-of-the-art workshop summary. Fundam.Appl.Toxicol. 2:327-330.
56. Barsky, A.J. and G.L. Klerman. 1983. Overview: hypochondriasis, bodily complaints, and somatic styles. Am.J.Psychiatry 140:273-283.
57. Brodsky, C.M. 1983. 'Allergic to everything': a medical subculture. Psychosomatics 24:731-2, 734-6, 740-2.
58. Brodsky, C.M. 1983. Psychological factors contributing to somatoform diseases attributed to the workplace. The case of intoxication. J.Occup.Med. 25:459-464.
59. Levine, S.A. and J.H. Reinhardt. 1983. Biochemical pathology initiated by free radicals, oxidant chemicals, and therapeutic drugs in the etiology of hypersensitivity disease. Orthomol.Psych. 12:166-174.
60. McGovern, J.J., Jr., J.A. Lazaroni, M.F. Hicks, J.C. Adler, and P. Cleary. 1983. Food and chemical sensitivity. Clinical and immunologic correlates. Arch Otolaryngol. 109:292-297.
61. Modan, B., T.A. Swartz, M. Tirosh, C. Costin, E. Weissenberg, A. Donagi, C. Acker, M. Revach, and G. Vettorazzi. 1983. The Arjenyattah epidemic. A mass phenomenon: spread and triggering factors. Lancet 2:1472-1474.
62. Pearson, D.J., K.J. Rix, and S.J. Bentley. 1983. Food allergy: how much in the mind? A clinical and psychiatric study of suspected food hypersensitivity. Lancet 1:1259-1261.
63. Small, G.W. and J.F. Borus. 1983. Outbreak of illness in a school chorus. Toxic poisoning or mass hysteria? N.E.J.M. 308:632-635.
64. Whorton, M.D. and D.L. Obrinsky. 1983. Persistence of symptoms after mild to moderate acute organophosphate poisoning among 19 farm field workers. J.Toxicol.Environ.Health 11:347-354.
65. Boxer, P.A., M. Singal, and R.W. Hartle. 1984. An epidemic of psychogenic illness in an electronics plant. J.Occup.Med. 26:381-385.
66. Calabrese, E.J. 1984. Age and Susceptibility to Toxic Substances. Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY.
67. King, D.S. 1984. Psychological and behavioral effects of food and chemical exposure in sensitive individuals. [Review] [58 refs]. Nutr.Health 3:137-151.
68. Payan, D.G., J.D. Levine, and E.J. Goetzl. 1984. Modulation of immunity and hypersensitivity by sensory neuropeptides. J.Immunol. 132:1601-1604.
69. Prah, J.D. and V.A. Benignus. 1984. Trigeminal sensitivity to contact chemical stimulation: a new method and some results. Percept.Psychophys. 35:65-68.
70. World Health Organization (Regional Office for Europe) and Commission of European Communities (Health and Safety Directorate). 1984. Workshop on allergic responses and hypersensitivities induced by chemicals; Frankfurt, 12-15 October 1982. World Health Organization/Commission of European Communities. Clin.Allergy 14:113-114.
71. Boyles, J.H., Jr. 1985. Chemical sensitivity. Diagnosis and treatment. Otolaryngol.Clin.North Am. 18:787-795.
72. Green, M. 1985. Questions and Answers: 'Allergic to everything': 20th-Century Syndrome. J.A.M.A. 253:842
73. Koller, L.D. 1985. Effect of chemical sensitivity on the immune system. Immun.&Allerg.Prac. 7:405-417.
74. Root, D., Katzin, D., and Schnare, D. Diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting subclinical signs and symptoms of exposure to chemicals which bioaccumulate in human tissue. 150-153. 1985. Hazardous Materials Control Research Inst. Proceedings of the National Conference on Hazardous Wastes and Environmental Emergencies. 5-14-1985.
75. Schneider, C.H., R. Guenin, and O. Toffler. 1985. Immediate hypersensitivity to drugs and simple chemicals: the efficacy of monovalent elicitors. Eur.J.Immunol. 15:155-162.
76. Selner, J.C. and H. Staudenmayer. 1985. The practical approach to the evaluation of suspected environmental exposures: chemical intolerance. Ann.Allergy 55:665-673.
77. Stewart, D.E. and J. Raskin. 1985. Psychiatric assessment of patients with "20th-century disease" ("total allergy syndrome"). Can.Med.Assoc.J. 133:1001-1006.
78. Thomson, GM. Report of the ad hoc committee on environmental hypersensitivity disorders. 1985. Toronto, Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Health.
79. Walters, A.H. 1985. Clinical ecology in environmental health. Rev.Environ.Health 5:271-293.
80. American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, E.C. 1986. Clinical ecology. J.Allergy Clin.Immunol. 78:269-271.
81. Bannikov, E.A. 1986. [A method of determining the sensitivity to chemical substances in experimental studies and in patients with occupational dermatitis using the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction]. Gig.Tr.Prof.Zabol. 45-46.
82. Berglund, B. and T. Lindvall. 1986. Sensory reactions to "sick buildings". Environ Int 12:147-159.
83. Calabrese, E.J. 1986. Ecogenetic Variations in Susceptibility to Environmental Agents. Wiley, New York, NY.
84. California Medical Association Scientific Board Task Force on Clinical Ecology. 1986. Clinical ecology--a critical appraisal. West.J.Med. 144:239-245.
85. Dudley, J. 1986. Psychiatric assessment of patients with "20th Century Disease". Can Med Assoc J 134:472-474.
86. Iasnetsov, V.V. and V.A. Pravdivtsev. 1986. [Chemical sensitivity of the neurons of the medial vestibular nucleus to enkephalins, acetylcholine, GABA and L-glutamate]. Kosm.Biol.Aviakosm.Med. 20:53-57.
87. Kenyon, J.N. 1986. Clinical ecology. Practitioner 230:1095-1103.
88. Kenyon, J.N. 1986. Food sensitivity, a search for underlying causes. Case study of 12 patients. Acupunct.Electrother.Res. 11:1-13.
89. Lee, R.E. 1986. Environmental hypersensitivity: would we really accept the results of sound research? Can.Med.Assoc.J. 134:1333-1336.
90. Nikiforuk, G. and M. Nikiforuk. 1986. Evidence for the "hypersensitivity syndrome". Can.Med.Assoc.J. 134:1343-1344.
91. Schnare, D.W. and P.C. Robinson. 1986. Reduction of the human body burdens of hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyls. IARC.Sci.Publ. 597-603.
92. Selner, J.C. and H. Staudenmayer. 1986. The relationship of the environment and food to allergic and psychiatric illness. In Psychobiological Aspects of Allergic Disorders. S.H. Young, J.M. Rubin, and H.R. Daman, editors. Praeger, New York,NY.
93. Stewart, D.E. and J. Raskin. 1986. Hypersensitivity disorder and vernacular science. Can.Med.Assoc.J. 134:1344-1346.
94. Terr, A.I. 1986. Environmental illness. A clinical review of 50 cases. Arch.Int.Med. 146:145-149.
95. Bell, I.R. 1987. Environmental illness and health: the controversy and challenge of clinical ecology for mind-body health. Advances 4:45-55.
96. Brodsky, C.M. 1987. Multiple chemical sensitivities and other environmental illness: a psychiatrist's view. Occup.Med. 2:695-704.
97. Cone, J.E., R. Harrison, and R. Reiter. 1987. Patients with multiple chemical sensitivities: clinical diagnostic subsets among an occupational health clinic population. [Review] [64 refs]. Occup Med 2:721-738.
98. Cullen, M.R. 1987. Multiple chemical sensitivities: summary and directions for future investigators. Occup.Med. 2:801-804.
99. Cullen, M.R. 1987. The worker with multiple chemical sensitivities: an overview. Occup.Med. 2:655-661.
100. Galland, L. 1987. Biochemical abnormalities in patients with multiple chemical sensitivities. Occup.Med. 2:713-720.
101. Gordon, M. 1987. Reactions to chemical fumes in radiology departments. Radiography. 53:85-89.
102. Hessl, S.M. 1987. Management of patients with multiple chemical sensitivities at occupational health clinics. Occup.Med. 2:779-789.
103. Levin, A.S. and V.S. Byers. 1987. Environmental illness: a disorder of immune regulation. Occup.Med. 2:669-681.
104. Lewis, B.M. 1987. Workers with multiple chemical sensitivities: psychosocial intervention. Occup.Med. 2:791-799.
105. McLellan, R.K. 1987. Biological interventions in the treatment of patients with multiple chemical sensitivities. In Workers with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. AnonymousHanley & Belfus, Philadelphia. 755-777.
106. Mooser, S.B. 1987. The epidemiology of multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). Occup.Med. 2:663-668.
107. Randolph, T.G. 1987. Environmental Medicine -- Beginnings and Bibliographies of Clinical Ecology. Clinical Ecology Publications, Fort Collins, CO.
108. Schottenfeld, R.S. 1987. Workers with multiple chemical sensitivities: a psychiatric approach to diagnosis and treatment. Occup.Med. 2:739-753.
109. Sparer, J. 1987. Environmental evaluation of workers with multiple chemical sensitivities: an industrial hygienist's view. Occup.Med. 2:705-712.
110. Staudenmayer, H. and J.C. Selner. 1987. Post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS): escape in the environment [editorial]. J Clin.Psychol. 43:156-157.
111. Stewart, D.E. 1987. Environmental hypersensitivity disorder, total allergy and 20th century disease: a critical review. Can.Fam.Physician 33:405-409.
112. Terr, A.I. 1987. Multiple chemical sensitivities: immunologic critique of clinical ecology theories and practice. Occup.Med. 2:683-694.
113. Terr, A.I. 1987. Clinical ecology. J.Allergy Clin.Immunol. 79:423-426.
114. Wallace, L. A. and et al. The Total Exposures Assessment Methodology (TEAM) Study: Summary and Analysis, Vol.1. 1987. Washington,DC, U.S.EPA.
115. Bardana, E.J., Jr., A. Montanaro, and M.T. O'Hollaren. 1988. Building-related illness. A review of available scientific data. Clin.Rev.Allergy 6:61-89.
116. Bolla-Wilson, K., R.J. Wilson, and M.L. Bleecker. 1988. Conditioning of physical symptoms after neurotoxic exposure [see comments]. J.Occup.Med. 30:684-686.
117. Brain, J.D., B.D. Beck, J.A. Warren, and R.A. Shaikh. 1988. Variations in Susceptibility to Inhaled Pollutants: Identification, Mechanisms, and Policy Implications. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
118. Broughton, A., J.D. Thrasher, and Z. Gard. 1988. Immunological evaluation of four arc welders exposed to fumes from ignited polyurethane (isocyanate) foam: antibodies and immune profiles. Am.J.Ind.Med. 13:463-472.
119. Doty, R.L., D.A. Deems, R.E. Frye, R. Pelberg, and A. Shapiro. 1988. Olfactory sensitivity, nasal resistance, and autonomic function in patients with multiple chemical sensitivities. Arch.Otolaryngol.Head.Neck Surg. 114:1422-1427.
120. Maschewsky, W. 1988. Psychosomatish oder neurotoxisch? Jahrbuch fur Kritische Medizin 13:154-164.
121. Rea, W.J. 1988. Chemical hypersensitivity and the allergic response. Ear.Nose.Throat.J 67:50-56.
122. Ryan, C.M., L.A. Morrow, and M. Hodgson. 1988. Cacosmia and neurobehavioral dysfunction associated with occupational exposure to mixtures of organic solvents. Am J Psychiatry 145:1442-1445.
123. Shapiro, G.G. and J.A. Anderson. 1988. Controversial techniques in allergy. Pediatrics 82:935-937.
124. Shusterman, D., J. Balmes, and J. Cone. 1988. Behavioral sensitization to irritants/odorants after acute overexposures. J.Occup.Med. 30:565-567.
125. Straus, S.E., J.K. Dale, R. Wright, and D.D. Metcalfe. 1988. Allergy and the chronic fatigue syndrome. [Review] [29 refs]. J Allergy Clin Immunol 81:Pt 1):791-5
126. American College of Physicians. 1989. Clinical ecology. [see comments]. Ann.Intern.Med. 111:168-178.
127. Bardana, E.J. and A. Montanaro. 1989. 'Chemically sensitive' patients: Avoiding the pitfalls. J.Respir.Dis. 10:32-45.
128. Bascom, R. Chemical Hypersensitivity Syndrome Study: Options for Action, A Literature Review, and a Needs Assessment. 1989. Maryland, State of Maryland, Dept. of the Environment.
129. Bolla-Wilson, K. and M.L. Bleecker. 1989. The author replies [to: Physical symptoms after neurotoxic exposure]. J.Occup.Med. 31:411
130. Brodsky, C.M., M.A. Green, and E.S. Ogrod. 1989. Environmental illness: does it exist? Patient Care 15 November 1989:41-59.
131. Davidoff, L.L. 1989. Multiple chemical sensitivities. The Amicus Journal Winter:13-23.
132. Donnell, J.H.D., J.R. Bagby, R.G. Harmon, J.R. Crellin, H.C. Chaski, M.F. Bright, M. Van Tuinen, and R.W. Metzger. 1989. Report of an illness outbreak at the Harry S Truman state office building. Am J Epidemiol 129:550-558.
133. Gordon, M. 1989. Dangers in the darkroom. The Radiographer 36:114-115.
134. Hall, E.M. and J.V. Johnson. 1989. A case study of stress and mass psychogenic illness in industrial workers. J.Occup.Med. 31:243-250.
135. Harrison, P.J. and R.C. Pearson. 1989. Olfaction and psychiatry [see comments]. Br.J.Psychiatry 155:822-828.
136. Hodgson, M.J. 1989. Clinical diagnosis and management of building-related illness and the sick-building syndrome. [Review] [54 refs]. Occup Med 4:593-606.
137. Jarvholm, B. and L. Nilson. 1989. [Multiple chemical sensitivities. A new diagnostic entity?]. Lakartidningen 86:3362-3362.
138. Johnson, A. R. and Rea, W. J. Review of 200 cases in the environmental control unit, Dallas, Presentation at the 7th International Symposium on Man and His Environment in Health and Disease, February 25-26, 1989. 1989. Dallas, TX. 2-25-1989.
139. Kahn, E. and G. Letz. 1989. Clinical ecology: environmental medicine or unsubstantiated theory? [see comments]. Ann.Intern.Med. 111:104-106.
140. McLellan, R.K. 1989. Multiple chemical hypersensitivities [letter]. Ann.Intern.Med. 111:953-953.
141. Rea, W.J. and G.H. Ross. 1989. Food and chemicals as environmental incitants [see comments]. Nurse Pract. 14:17-8, 28, 30 passim.
142. Terr, A.I. 1989. Clinical ecology in the workplace. J.Occup.Med. 31:257-261.
143. Ziem, G. 1989. Physical symptoms after neurotoxic exposure [letter; comment]. J.Occup.Med. 31:410-411.
144. Anger, W.K. 1990. Worksite behavioral research. Results, sensitive methods, test batteries and the transition from laboratory data to human health. [Review]. Neurotoxicology 11:627-717.
145. Barnes, P.J. 1990. Neurogenic inflammation in airways and its modulation. Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther. 303:67-82.
146. Black, D.W., A. Rathe, and R.B. Goldstein. 1990. Environmental illness. A controlled study of 26 subjects with '20th century disease' [see comments]. J.A.M.A. 264:3166-3170.
147. Cullen, M.R., M.G. Cherniack, and L. Rosenstock. 1990. Occupational medicine (1). [Review]. N.E.J.M. 322:594-601.
148. Cullen, M.R., M.G. Cherniack, and L. Rosenstock. 1990. Occupational medicine. (2) [see comments]. [Review]. N.E.J.M. 322:675-683.
149. Kahn, E. and G. Letz. 1990. Clinical ecology: environmental medicine or unsubstantiated theory? [letter; comment]. J.Allergy Clin.Immunol. 85:437-439.
150. Landrigan, P.J. 1990. Prevention of toxic environmental illness in the twenty-first century. [Review]. Environ.Health Perspect. 86:197-199.
151. Morrow, L.A., T. Callender, S. Lottenberg, M.S. Buchsbaum, M.J. Hodgson, and N. Robin. 1990. PET and neurobehavioral evidence of tetrabromoethane encephalopathy. J Neuropsychiatry.Clin.Neurosci. 2:431-435.
152. Otto, D., L. Molhave, G. Rose, H.K. Hudnell, and D. House. 1990. Neurobehavioral and sensory irritant effects of controlled exposure to a complex mixture of volatile organic compounds. Neurotoxicol.Teratol. 12:649-652.
153. Parkinson, D.K., E.J. Bromet, S. Cohen, L.O. Dunn, M.A. Dew, C. Ryan, and J.E. Schwartz. 1990. Health effects of long-term solvent exposure among women in blue- collar occupations. Am.J.Ind.Med. 17:661-675.
154. Rosenberg, S.J., M.R. Freedman, K.B. Schmaling, and C. Rose. 1990. Personality styles of patients asserting environmental illness [see comments]. J.Occup.Med. 32:678-681.
155. Salvaggio, J.E. 1990. The impact of allergy and immunology on our expanding industrial environment. [Review] [75 refs]. J.Allergy Clin.Immunol. 85:689-699.
156. Simon, G.E., W.J. Katon, and P.J. Sparks. 1990. Allergic to life: psychological factors in environmental illness. Am.J.Psychiatry 147:901-906.
157. Sparks, P.J., G.E. Simon, W.J. Katon, L.C. Altman, G.H. Ayars, and R.L. Johnson. 1990. An outbreak of illness among aerospace workers [see comments]. West.J.Med. 153:28-33.
158. Staudenmayer, H. and J.C. Selner. 1990. Neuropsychophysiology during relaxation in generalized, universal 'allergic' reactivity to the environment: a comparison study [see comments]. J.Psychosom.Res. 34:259-270.
159. Anonymous. 1991. What is making these people sick? Chemocology
160. Ashford, N.A. and C.S. Miller. 1991. Chemical Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes, 1st edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
161. Bardana, E.J. and A. Montanaro. 1991. Chemical sensitivity. In Current Therapy in Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology. L.M. Lichtenstein and A.S. Fauci, editors. Mosby-Year Book, St. Louis.
162. Barinaga, M. 1991. Better data needed on sensitivity syndrome [news]. Science 251:1558-1558.
163. Barnes, P.J. 1991. Neurogenic inflammation in airways. Int.Arch.Allergy Appl.Immunol. 94:303-309.
164. Bascom, R. 1991. The upper respiratory tract: mucous membrane irritation. [Review] [40 refs]. Environ Health Perspect 95:39-44.
165. Brandt-Rauf, P.W., L.R. Andrews, and J. Schwarz-Miller. 1991. Sick-hospital syndrome. J.Occup.Med. 33:737-739.
166. Casanova-Roig, R. 1991. Clinical ecology, multiple chemical sensitivity (M.C.S.): the debate [letter]. Bol Asoc Med P R 83:553-556.
167. Cone, J.E. and D. Shusterman. 1991. Health effects of indoor odorants. Environ.Health Perspect. 95:53-59.
168. Cullen, M.R. 1991. Multiple chemical sensitivities: Development of public policy in the face of scientific uncertainty. New Solutions 2:16-24.
169. Davidoff, L.L., T.J. Callender, L.A. Morrow, and G. Ziem. 1991. Multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) [letter; comment]. J Psychosom Res 35:621-623.
170. Henry, C.J., L. Fishbein, W.J. Meggs, N.A. Ashford, P.A. Schulte, H. Anderson, J.S. Osborne, and D.W. Sepkovic. 1991. Approaches for assessing health risks from complex mixtures in indoor air: a panel overview. Environ.Health Perspect. 95:135-143.
171. Hileman, B. 1991. Special report: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity July 22, 1991. C&EN 26-42.
172. Klubes, P. 1991. An encounter with the syndrome of multiple chemical sensitivities: reflections of a pharmacologist. Perspect.Biol.Med. 34:355-364.
173. Montanaro, A. and E.J.J. Bardana. 1991. The chemically sensitive patient. In E.J. Bardana, Jr., A. Montanaro, and M.T. O'Hollaren, editors. Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia. 255-266.
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