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Bibliography: Letters to the Editor about MCS |
(excluding those published in journals of Clinical Ecology)
53 Published Through September 1999, Alphabetically Sorted by Author
Compiled by Albert Donnay, MHS1. Anonymous. 1982. Total allergy syndrome [letter]. Lancet 1:628-629.
2. Asnis, J., A. Faisal, and W. Sanderson. 1999. Environmental factors in panic disorder [letter]. J Clin Psychiatry 60:264
3. Bell, I.R., D. Amend, A.W. Kaszniak, and G.E. Schwartz. 1993. Memory deficits, sensory impairment, and depression in the elderly [letter]. Lancet 341:62-62.
4. Bolla-Wilson, K. and M.L. Bleecker. 1989. The author replies [to: Physical symptoms after neurotoxic exposure]. J.Occup.Med. 31:411
5. Boxer, P.A. 1994. Outpatient treatment for multiple chemical sensitivities [letter; comment]. J.Clin.Psychiatry 55:316-316.
6. Brown, T. 1997. Chemical quandary [letter]. Aust Vet J 75:71-71.
7. Byers, R.D. 1994. Controversy over multiple chemical sensitivities [letter; comment]. Ann.Intern.Med. 120:249; discussion 250-1
8. Collison, D.R. and C. Eagle. 1987. Fasting in clinical ecology [letter]. Med.J.Aust. 147:152-153.
9. Coxe, M. 1994. Controversy over multiple chemical sensitivities [letter]. Ann.Intern.Med. 120:249; discussion 250-1
10. Curtis, L. 1996. Environmental illness and multiple chemical sensitivity [letter]. J Occup Environ Med 38:16-16.
11. Davidoff, L.L., T.J. Callender, L.A. Morrow, and G. Ziem. 1991. Multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) [letter; comment]. J Psychosom Res 35:621-623.
12. Donnay, A. 1997. Intimidation of researchers by special-interest groups [letter; comment]. N Engl J Med 337:1314;:discussion 131-6
13. Elliott, E.M. 1999. Understanding patients with multiple chemical sensitivity [letter; comment]. Am Fam.Physician. 59:2109-2110.
14. Freed, D.L. 1996. Little arrows [letter; comment]. Lancet 347:267-268.
15. Frumkin, H. 1989. Care for "environmental illness" [letter; comment]. Ann.Intern.Med. 111:542-542.
16. Fung, F. and R. Kennon. 1996. Environmental illness and multiple chemical sensitivity [letter]. J Occup Environ Med 38:16-17.
17. Fung, F. and R. Kennon. 1999. Understanding patients with multiple chemical sensitivity [letter; comment]. Am Fam.Physician. 59:2104, 2109-6.
18. Gollub, B. and L. Morton. 1999. Understanding patients with multiple chemical sensitivity [letter; comment]. Am Fam.Physician. 59:2110-2111.
19. Harris, C. 1989. Clinical ecology and the open mind [letter; comment]. Ann.Intern.Med. 111:690-690.
20. Heinzow, B. and P. Vieregge. 1997. [Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)-syndrome (letter; comment) (published erratum appears in Gesundheitswesen 1997 Aug-Sep;59(8- 9):553)]. Gesundheitswesen 59:413-414.
21. Kahn, E. 1993. Evaluation of chemically sensitive patients [letter; comment]. J.Occup.Med. 35:315-316.
22. Kavanaugh, A.F. 1996. Fibromyalgia or multi-organ dysesthesia? [letter]. Arthritis Rheum 39:180-181.
23. Kay, A.B. 1996. Clinical ecologists [letter; comment]. J R Soc Med 89:238-238.
24. Krohn, J., J. Ryan, and J. Jacobson. 1994. Controversy over multiple chemical sensitivities [letter; comment]. Ann.Intern.Med. 120:250; discussion 250-1
25. Levine, L.I. 1986. Treatment of "20th-century disease" [letter]. Can.Med.Assoc.J. 134:875-875.
26. Levine, R.J. 1981. Is the presence of low-level environmental contamination a sufficient excuse for not diagnosing mass hysteria? [letter]. J.Occup.Med. 23:597-599.
27. Leznoff, A. 1999. Re: Davidoff et al. Development of multiple chemical sensitivities in laborers after acute gasoline fume exposure in an underground tunnelling operation [letter; comment]. Arch Environ Health 54:302-303.
28. Lum, L.C. 1982. "Total allergy syndrome" or fluctuating hypocarbia [letter]. Lancet 1:516-516.
29. Lum, L.C. 1982. "Total allergy" [letter]. Br.Med.J.(Clin.Res.Ed). 284:1044-1045.
30. Margolick, J.B. and R.F. Vogt, Jr. 1994. Controversy over multiple chemical sensitivities [letter; comment]. Ann.Intern.Med. 120:249; discussion 250-1
31. Markovitz, A. 1986. Environmental illness [letter]. Arch.Int.Med. 146:1244-1244.
32. McCampbell, A. 1994. Controversy over multiple chemical sensitivities [letter; comment]. Ann.Intern.Med. 120:250; discussion 250-1
33. McCampbell, A. 1997. Iatrogenic (physician-induced) hypochondriasis [letter]. Psychosomatics 38:300-301.
34. McCampbell, A. 1999. Understanding patients with multiple chemical sensitivity [letter; comment]. Am Fam.Physician. 59:2111-2112.
35. McLellan, R.K. 1989. Multiple chemical hypersensitivities [letter]. Ann.Intern.Med. 111:953-953.
36. McLellan, R.K. 1993. Clinical ecology [letter; comment]. J.A.M.A. 269:1634-1635.
37. Miller, C.S. 1995. Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome [letter]. J.Occup.Environ.Med. 37:1323-1323.
38. Miller, C.S. and N.A. Ashford. 1999. Chronic multisystem illness among Gulf War veterans [letter; comment]. JAMA 282:328-329.
39. Muller-Mohnssen, H. 1996. [Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) syndrome (letter; comment)]. Gesundheitswesen 58:415-416.
40. Muller-Mohnssen, H. 1997. [Comment on K. Lohmann, Anke Prohl, E. Schwarz. Multiple chemical sensitivity in patients with neurotoxic illnesses (letter; comment)]. Gesundheitswesen 59:56-56.
41. Nixon, P.G. 1982. "Total allergy syndrome" or fluctuating hypocarbia? [letter]. Lancet 1:404-404.
42. Pearson, D. 1994. Clinical ecology [letter; comment]. Biochem.J. 308:202-202.
43. Rivera, J.C. 1991. Clinical ecology, multiple chemical sensitivity (M.C.S.): the debate [letter]. Bol Asoc Med P R 83:557-557.
44. Roberts, H.J. 1990. Clinicians and "clinical ecology". Commentary on a position paper. J.Fla.Med.Assoc. 77:533-534.
45. Rosenthal, N.E. and C.L. Cameron. 1991. Exaggerated sensitivity to an organophosphate pesticide [letter] [see comments]. Am.J.Psychiatry 148:270-270.
46. Smith, S.J. and J.M. Loeb. 1993. Clinical ecology. J.A.M.A. 269:1635-s
47. Stenn, P.G. and K. Binkley. 1998. Multiple chemical sensitivity [letter]. Psychosomatics 39:393-394.
48. Stewart, D.E. 1991. Hypersensitivity reexamined [letter; comment]. Am.J.Psychiatry 148:1416-1417.
49. Stricker, R.B. 1994. Controversy over multiple chemical sensitivities [letter; comment]. Ann.Intern.Med. 120:249; discussion 250-1
50. Vieregge, P. and C. Klein. 1997. [Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)-syndrome (letter; comment)]. Gesundheitswesen 59:413-414.
51. Ziem, G. 1989. Physical symptoms after neurotoxic exposure [letter; comment]. J.Occup.Med. 31:410-411.
52. Ziem, G. and A. Donnay. 1995. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and chemical sensitivity: overlapping disorders [letter; comment]. Arch Intern Med 155:1913-1913.
53. Ziem, G. 1999. Understanding patients with multiple chemical sensitivity [letter; comment]. Am Fam.Physician. 59:2101, 2104.
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